Lesson 7:
The Powerchord Merge
To Backstage

By Jerry Wyatt


“The Powerchord Merge To Backstage”

Various Blue-Prints/PDF’s For This Lesson At Bottom Of Page

Lesson Overview… Please read before you begin the lesson!


Hope this finds you doing well. Today’s lesson is a great one and I know you’ll get a a heck of a lot of use out of it.

Just be patient with yourself and get this one to sink in.

In previous lessons, we’ve worked our way up the neck (as in tone), meaning our fret hand is coming closer to our picking hand. I’m sure, by now, you are seeing some lights come on in your playing. If you don’t quite get it on any of the lessons to this point, NO BIG DEAL…

Just go back a lesson or two and run back through them. The lessons are built to be easy to get through and they each compliment each other.

Today’s lesson is going to get us thinking behind the root position of whatever key we’re playing in and “believe-you-me”, this little lesson will have you moving all over the place.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with this because doing so will really help you jump ahead.

One of the biggest “HOLD-UP’S” for a player (new and old) is to get frustrated because they think they are getting behind or they don’t quite get things to come out as quick as they’d like to.

Whatever you do, don’t give in or give up – and I’ll tell you why.

To be perfectly honest with you, if I hear a player showing signs of mental frustration, that tells me (deep inside) they are TRULY a player.

Let me explain what I mean [firstname]…

When a person actually feels troubled by a lesson (mine or otherwise), I think it’s a sure-fire sign they are “getting it” on a totally different level than the obvious. It’s a sign that their ears becoming more “tuned” to what is right – and what isn’t.

So, stick with it! It’s at these times that your getting ready to go over a hurdle and actually jump ahead in your playing! Trust me on this!!!

This lesson is very easy to cover. Go through it as many times as you need to and by all means, enjoy yourself.

You’re a “Guitarist”! Good things are coming your way.

Take care and don;t be too hard on yourself!

Your “Pickin’ Pal”,



Blueprint/PDF #1 “The Powerchord Merge To BackStage”


Blueprint/PDF #2 “The Powerchord Merge To BackStage”