Lesson 15
Sass Back
Squash The Scale Monster III

“Sass Back”
Squashing The Scale Monster III

By Jerry Wyatt

Lesson Overview…

Alright [firstname]… Get your ears on and tune those things in cause this is about to get real cool!

Today’s lesson is going to teach you something wayyyyyy cool and have you moving everywhere on the neck and give you what I call “spice” in your playing – and  alot of it!

Have you ever heard a song that sound like the guitars are kinda at battle with each other. You know what I mean?

One says something and then the other one screams back at it!

Well, this is an awesome technique to get down and the really neat thing about it is that it can sound great even if you ar eonly at the most basic level in your playing – which you’re not anymore if you’ve reached this lesson! 🙂

If you happen to be a really advanced player, well howdy doodie partner… you’re going to fashion this to be one of the coolest things you can carry around in the old “axe” toolbox.

This lesson will help you play with tons of “feel”. Just practice it.

Final thought before you take off on it…

Once you start doing this I want to encourage you to turn the lights down wherever you are practicing and actually close your eyes and play. Listen closely.

Did you feel that?!!! Just by saying “turn the lights down”, how did that make you feel?

Did it make you feel like playing a little softer? Kinda tip-toe?

I know for me it does and I sorta want to start paying real smooth and liquid like. That’s cool. Try that.

Now while you’re doing this, try to keep your eyes closed for a minute or two and just listen closely and connect with your music. This is what it’s all about. As you do this you’ll begin to hear things you’ve never heard before in your playing. Play soft. Play hard. Play a series of notes and then play only one note. Play one note and then play a series “Sassing Back”.

You’re going to get a heck of a lot of mileage out of this little dude and I can’t wait to hear what you think about it.

If you have any questions… I’m yours!

Post them in the members Q&A area or shoot me a note at:


Get with it.

Talk to you later [firstname]!



The Jam Track
(Click The Image)


Intro Lick
(Click Image)
