By Jerry Wyatt


“The Cowboy Blues IV”
-Taking It To The Top-

Hello Friend,

Welcome to the Tribe. Our community of guitar players (referred to as “The Tribe”) now numbers in the thousands. You’re in good company here! Thanks again for your purchase.

Before you get started on the lesson, let me tell you a couple things so you can get familiar with what’s in front of you.

To your right you will see some rather empty looking menus simply because you have only purchased this single lesson (which you will love if you use and keep your ego out of the picture – in other words, don’t over think it).

Should you decide to get fully engaged in one of the coolest learning systems on the planet (The “FULL BLOWN” Course), let me know by shooting a note to me at  and I’ll be happy to send you some more information on this very affordable course.

It is based on sound and proven “Vintage” techniques that have been HORRIBLY FORGOTTEN and swept aside due to all the static noise and misdirection on the web. These old techniques found in this course are the very foundation of what all our guitar forefathers laid down for the likes of some of the best players in the world. They work like wild – so you can play better. And you will!

What you have here is a very small pice of the puzzle. You put all the pieces together and I absolutely guarantee you – you’ll improve like beyond your wildest dreams. It just happens automatically.

Regarding the menus to the right…

Once you are a Full Blown member, additional lessons in your menus will unlock on the right and you’ll see a total of 24 lessons. A new one unlocks each week and shows in the menu for Full Blown members only. Additional modules and offers will also appear as you continue down The Journey Of A Guitarist.

Now, on with the show… Thanks again, practice, implement, and enjoy! Your video lesson is down below!

Sincerely Yours In The Journey Of A Guitarist,






“The Cowboy Blues IV”

-Taking It To The Top-



Lesson Overview…

Here you go… the fourth lesson in The Cowboy Blues Series. Now this little dude is designed to help you make use of the Pentatonic in a simple way all the way to the top of the scale –and show you just how easy YOU can and will do it!

It ties together the other Cowboy Blues lessons and shows you just how easy it is to make some music instead of just making noise going up and down a scale with no purpose!

Remember… don’t do that …please!

Now here’s the thing… You can do this and make it sound like you’ve been playing for years.

If you are a newer player, don’t get hung up on trying too go fast and blazing through the thing. Don’t do that!

You’ll thank me for that advice in about six more lessons when I show you the “Reverse Evolution Series”!

Take today’s lesson and go over it –then try this out.

I encourage you to do this little drill often

Play the lick slow. Now, double up on a note… Now play the next three fast… Now play one note three or four times. Always get back to your root note (whatever key you’re playing in) at some point – it sort of gives a completed sound. Easy enough.

You get the idea. By doing this you’ll get your picking hand coordination polished and accurate very quickly – and you’ll discover some neat tones between strings. Give your ears and brain a chance to process the sounds.

You’ll be amazed how this simple effort (mixing things up) can advance you like wild – while your friends sit in amazement wondering how in the world you do what you do.

Trust me, it’s in you. You can be a good player in a very short time.

Polish up on this lesson and tie it together like I’ve shown you. Don’t forget to add The Triple Factor on it.

What’s to come is really going to give you wings. Get ready.

I hope to talk with you in future lessons!






Click Here For This Lesson’s PDF Blueprint