By Jerry Wyatt
Hello and welcome! I’m honored to get to work with you as you pursue your goals on the guitar. I assure you, you’re in for some real eye openers.
You’re now a part of our great community of guitar players, known as “The Tribe”. The Tribe is now over 30,000 strong and ranges from newbies to advanced players. Each and every one of the players in our great community started right where you did – and on this very page! We’re all on a journey together and I’m thrilled to be here with all you guys and gals!
Again… Welcome!
Here’s how we roll…
The lessons will only work if you understand the following Overview…
The lesson(s) you are about to experience can literally turn your playing skills inside out if you are willing to follow a few simple guidelines. Over 30,000 students like yourself, beginners and even very advanced players, have discovered a wealth of untapped talent within themselves after using the very same tools you are about to use. Please, enjoy yourself and proceed as shown in the outline.
It’s all in the details my friend. Read over things first then proceed to the lesson.
How To Proceed – Read the overview first…
I. A Simple Sample Video Of My Playing
(This is NOT Your Lesson – You’ll get that in just a minute. This sample video is just that, a small sample of me playing. It is to help you see that there’s a good chance I might be able to turn your playing upside down! Please watch this right now and then continue reading your instructions below.)
II. What Is In Front Of You
III. Expectations
V. Your First Lesson
I am giving you something of great value to your playing. It is a gift. In other words, it is free! BUT… It’s worth hundreds of dollars or more! In my neck of the woods and the Nashville, TN area, a live one on one lesson will cost you $35 or more for a 30 minute lesson. That’s $70 an hour.
The lessons I have prepared for you are boiled down to seriously important things that will help you immediately! Most teachers might take weeks or months of lessons to get you through these points (if they do it at all!). I’ll have you through them right away so we can really dive in to some playing.
The value of what I am sharing is worth at a minimum $300 – $500 to you. You’ll understand the value of it as we move forward. I promise!
Use it! Make yourself commit to looking for your next lesson in your email and do the lesson! Make them sink in! Let’s do this. I can only help you if you’ll participate and let me do it.
While I’m in the topic of checking your email, BE SURE you put me on your email as an accepted friend or whatever they call it. In other words, don’t let your lessons get dropped in your spam or junk mail.
Expect that I will honor the trust you have placed in me by allowing me a piece of your valuable time and life. I will treat you as if you are my friend. You are – we now play guitars together! I will provide you with information that I am confident will help you in your playing [IF] you will simply follow through with it and put it to use. And finally, I am committed to always providing you more value than you would expect to see anywhere else. Period!
This information is based on sound and solid principals that have been swept aside or forgotten about as a result of far too many distractions and shiny objects on the web promising to make you a guitar prodigy in a day. That’s not going to happen here. I will not promise you that. But I will promise you this… We will get you polished up and playing quite well and far sooner than you think. Using the tools in all my courses will turn your playing upside down and I DO GUARANTEE YOU THAT!
I expect you to see some very good things open up in your mind and playing using the first 3 lessons I have scheduled for you. For some players, these are ground shaking because they uncover some mysteries that have lurked for years in their playing. For some players the insights will just tie some things together in their existing skills but in new ways that cause them to move further ahead in the “Journey Of A Guitarist” (see more on that below). But for most every player that truly takes their time, goes through all the lessons, pays attention, sets aside their ego’s and what they think they know, and finally puts the lessons into action until they are thoroughly understood and easily done by the student, he/she will see amazing advances in their playing – and so will their audience!
I receive letters from students almost every day informing me that after ONLY the first lesson, they feel like they have opened up something they never understood before. They understand the neck and how simple it really is to use all of it (like never before). Often these letters are from players that have been at it for years and even THEY can’t believe this was just sitting under their nose or they’d never been shown how to “make it click” – until now! NOTE: You’ll be taking that same lesson in just about five minutes.
I further expect that you will understand the neck of the guitar in a whole new and easy way. I expect you to see how things cycle over and over. Once you get your brain around this, and the fact that “cycling points” create new take off points on the neck, you will see what seems like unlimited spots to create great licks, riffs, rhythms, and “fills” between chords. They will practically seem like flashing lights and roadmaps even when you look at your guitar neck sitting across the room from you! We can do this! I’ll show you how.
And my final expectation is that you commit to yourself and me as well that you will use this information and lessons I have prepared for you. Now let me clarify that…
I’m not asking you to jump in a tour bus and leave your family for months at a time to go play music in front of millions of raving fans.
I am however, asking that you commit yourself to the passion within you. Let’s face it, you wouldn’t be sitting here right now if you didn’t have an interest in doing SOMETHING with your guitar other than letting it make your fingers sore or collect dust.
The way I see it… You and I (and all the members in our Guitar Tribe) have been given a seed of passion for a wonderful instrument – the Guitar. Whether you want to be able to play the thing like a seasoned pro or just be able to blend some beautiful melodies and licks together around a campfire for friends and family, you owe it to yourself to take it serious enough to jump in and get the most out of it. I’m here to tell you, you can play much better than you are currently (no mater what your skill set is), and you can do it much easier than you think. Of course if you are on fire for the instrument, you can literally blow away your friends, your band members, and anybody else the watches and listens to you play using the information I have scheduled for you over the next several days.
I expect you to follow through to each level. You deserve what’s ahead and if ever you purchase one of my courses and find you aren’t bouncing off the wall happy, let me know and I’ll refund every penny you paid PLUS I’ll pay you an additional 10% on top of that for trying things out. How’s that for risk free!
Before you start your first lesson, let me give you a little “heads-up” on something that can literally shoot your playing ahead like a run away train – IF YOU WILL JUST ALLOW IT TO SINK IN!
I call it the “Journey Of A Guitarist”. I’ve made a special video for you and I have it scheduled to be sent after you’ve completed the first set of free lessons I have prepared for you. After those initial lessons, you’ll be better prepared to look at the “Journey Of A Guitarist” video and see where you are in the journey as a player.
In a nutshell, we all are on somewhat of a journey line. We start at the beginning. As we add skills and understanding, we progress further along the line and closer to being an accomplished player.
My “Bridge” and “Full Blown” courses are designed and proven to take a player by the hand and move them through the journey easier and faster. There are proven methods for cutting through all the boredom and confusion that gets a player to the “Flowing Points” in the “Journey Of A Guitarist”. These methods can shave off tons of wasted time! Todays first lesson is a start in the right direction.
The “Journey Of A Guitarist” video (Screenshot Below) is not supposed to be live on this lesson.
I’ll send you a link to it in a few days (after you’ve had a chance to go through a few of the initial “Bridge” lessons).
– Your Access To This Video Will Be Sent In Just A Few Days –
You’ve completed the overview and you’re good to go. Please scroll down to your first lesson.
I look forward to working with you on your journey!
Your pickin’ pal,
Jerry Wyatt
“The Root Monkey”
“The Simple 7 & 12” Knowing Where To Go
This important video lesson is one of the most overlooked and boring pieces of information a player can know. Listen to my story at the beginning. I know you’ll relate to it. Don’t skip it. The lesson itself is your key to playing guitar easier!
Despite this “undisputed fact”, you’d be amazed how many players who have been playing for years haven’t learned this. It can literally change your playing in just a few days. Most players will dismiss this as boring and miss the gold in it. Too bad!
Let me assure you, you’ll be blown away once you wrap your brain around it and learn how to put it to use. KEYWORD: “USE”.
– Please allow the video a moment to appear and load –
Be sure to refer to the included PDF Blueprint below. Most of my lessons include these and they are very helpful. You can just click the image below to open the blueprint.
Here’s Your PDF Tool Mentioned In The Video – Use It!
“The Simple 7 & 12” (Knowing-Where-To-Go)
PDF Tool Click Here
Save It To Your Desktop Folder. (You did follow what the video said… right?)
When I was a kid, two of the most valuable assets I had for learning faster were a cassette recorder and a mirror. Yes, a mirror.
The cassette recorder is pretty obvious why it was a valuable tool. Thirty five years ago, it was the most economical for a kid to practice to a favorite song, rewind, and play a lick over and over. It also afforded a young lad the ability to record a simple jam track and then practice licks while the tune rattled in the background. As I said, all of that is pretty obvious.
As for the mirror, that one needs a little more explanation.
One of the coolest things I learned early in the game was that there seemed to be a “CONNECT” when I watched myself play in the mirror. Now, I’m not a brain surgeon so I can’t witness to the validity of my theory on this but it goes something like this.
It seemed like seeing myself playing at the opposite side of what I was actually doing caused some sort of subliminal “CONNECT”. Think about what I’m saying here for a minute. Looking in the mirror actually put things in a reverse order (if you will). It just seemed to me that looking down at my hands (not in the mirror) gave me my live view and interpretation. Then after I had it down, I’d look in the mirror at my hands while playing the same thing. When I’d do that, the same lick or progression that was easy only a minute earlier (when I looked at my hands NOT in the mirror) became a little more challenging again. I’d continue watching in the mirror until it was easy again, then I’d go back to looking OUT OF THE MIRROR.
This “off the wall” ten minute exercise would cause a more rounded out connection to what I was working on. Many times, I’d see myself do something that sounded COOL (or not cool) in the mirror that would cause me to wish I could have had a good way to capture a video of myself and what I’d just done.
You’ve been there. I know you have! Who hasn’t?
You play something that makes you stop dead in your tracks and try to recreate it – only to find out it’s lost in your minds abyss of forgotten licks and notes. It happens to all of us guitar pickers.
I’ve read on more occasions than one that listening to classical music while studying deploys some magical connection to what you are studying and you end up with better results. I totally subscribe to that theory and I feel like theres a similar connection to seeing yourself in a video playing (or in the mirror 35 years ago).
Nowadays, you can record beautiful high quality video of yourself and play it back over and over very affordably. Heck the cameras that are available now blow away what I had to use for my “Bridge Course” (Oh… but wait to you feast your eyes on the quality of my Full Blown course – quality is much better! And the newer modules are even better than that because I keep upgrading my equipment). But this isn’t about that! It’s about this…
If you don’t have a good camera to record yourself, I honestly believe you’re missing some great discoveries in what you are doing wrong – AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING AWESOME! You really need to give it a try and heck, you’re even welcome to send in a video to me if want to load it up on YouTube! It won’t cost you a penny to do it on YouTube (as of this writing).
One of the coolest little cameras on the market is this one right here (CLICK TO SEE)!
It takes beautiful pictures (you know – so you can take pictures of all your guitars and vices) and the video quality is CRAZY good! If by chance you or your spouse are photographers, this is a double validation point. You get a good photo camera and a great video camera wrapped up in one simple package without breaking the bank.
If you haven’t done this yet, you owe it to yourself to give it a try videoing yourself and watching it back. It’s an eye opener!
Take it easy!
P.S. In the interest of full disclosure and any other legal mumbo jumbo, if you purchase a camera using that snazzy link, I’ll be paid a referral fee (likely about enough to by a latte). If that bothers you, no problem, just don’t use that link. Go to your favorite photo shop and hookup instead and then bring that camera to Tennessee and give me a call. Maybe we can use the camera to sit down and record us playing some guitars together. Who knows!? Bee cool and take care! – JW
i made a card like the one in the pdf model 30 yrs ago and just now took it out boy what an ass i am you really opened my eyes Jerry. It was sitting there all these yrs and now I get it John from Ottawa. thanks JERRY FOR OPENING MY EYES
52 years old, 2 cancer scares and guitar is what I want to learn.
After seeing the video found it easy, it is like a light just got turned on and no its not boring.
look forward to the next lesson
Hi Jerry,
Wasn’t sure this was for me because in the first video you had an electric
guitar. I play acoustic but I’m glad I watched the vid.
I love it. The Pdf is so helpful. Learning already.
Thx. Looking forward to the next vid. Love your style
Of teaching so far.
Hey Jerry,
First day with your course. You have prompted me to keep learning the fret board. It’s 10.20am and I have the day off with only guitar to keep me occupied. I’ll let you know how i get on tonight,.
Beginner w/the guitar. The information in the video and the pdf file is easy to understand and follow. Printed it out and started a binder to make it easy for me to refer back :) …Thank you!
Thanks for the first lesson know where to go and notes are where
I’ve been playing off and on since I was a teenager
Now 47 I’ve had lessons before in the past and have learn a lot
But always got stuck on what notes are what and where
That re-opened my eyes and eager to jump back in.
Hey Jerry. Bought my first amp (Peavy Backstage) from the Pied Piper in the Huntington mall. Thanks for the lesson!i
Just want to let you know that I appreciate what your doing here Jerry. I’ve only received the 1st lesson and am dying with anticipation for the arrival of the 2nd. Thank you.
I have been playing guitar for 4 years just the same BS all the time.No one ever told me what these 2 dots where for so now i KNOW FRICKIN AWESOME!!!! I am from holland (the Netherlands)by the way.
Man I have been on a hit and miss journey for 5 years or so. But your lesson from this first one has just made me want to mind meld with my guitar. Thanks, Jerry
hey jerry, I do see where your coming from and look forward to learning, the only thing I haven’t mastered is what ever I haven’t tried yet, I am a master at carpentry and try teaching people the 30 yr fast track of how to do this stuff, if your normal and can remember stuff, your course should be a blast, im just starting and slow because of to much sh-t going on but cant wait to explode
thanx jerry
thanx jerry, looking forward to many more lessons with you
Thank you for the PDF. Best wishes. I do not see the video at all using iPhone/ipad?
Thanks Jerry excellent lesson for any player been doing it for 2days know and i can see the fretboard with out the guitar something i learnt to do along time ago but what helped me is the sharpes in-between starting to see things allot easier
Finally someone willing to put time and effort into explaining the basics so everyone understands and can build on it ! Super!!!
Jerry, when will you send the next videos? I loved the first one!
I’m from the UK and I stumbled upon your email and website, and nearly deleted/ignored, but glad I didn’t as I like the way you teach. I’ve been playing for far too long without actually going past a certain level, but now want to push myself out of my comfort zone and stretch onwards and upwards. I’m rambling, but just wanted to thank you for taking the time out to offer these freebies.
Loved the first video. I am not experienced at all so this is like a foreign language to me. But I can say that you’ve made it simple. There’s a saying when I was in the marine corps and saying is kiss(keep it simple stupid) thanks can’t wait till the next lesson. thanks you rock
really thankful for this video lesson , your’e right you made it clear and easy to catch up for me as a beginner . Again BIG THANKS SIR!
so yeah um I didnt even know about there only being 12 notes. aaaaaaa I was just jumping around looking for scales maybe pick up something from them or anything.. you showed me this and I WAS blown away.. you were right and i was right to trust this.. Thank You so much Jerry I am ready to learn.. GIMME WATCHU GOT!!
Jerry, I’m definitely ready to get in the program. I’m an early 40’s guy and I’ve had a guitar since my mid to late teens. I’ve been off/on with playing since then. About 5-6 years ago I took lessons for about a year but they were more “jam sessions” than actual lessons. It takes me a while, but I’ll learn songs that I like, basically from reading tabs and lots of repitition. My trouble is plateaus. I can never seem to get over the hump as far as understanding what I’m doing. That gets discouraging so I’ll put my guitar down for a few weeks or months. I’ll pick it up, get back up to speed and I’m right back at those plateaus. I can see that “knowing where to go” is going to help get me going for good.
Even tho I’ve been playing a good long while.all my technique is Segovia
classical.-and therefore I never use a pick.
If I play flamenco style the beat is defined by the down-up down-(then rasguedo
with runs on the right hand thumbnail.
I note that when you play country (e.g) you use a pick.I have concluded
that I learn as a separate agenda item how to pick.
Especially since I/ve graduate from Peter Paul and Mary to Steve Vai.
And Happy New Year year! And all your family and freinds
Warm Regards
Wilton Rodger
New Zealand
Hi Jerry. you’re a new inspirtation for me.I’ a 73yr old self taught player but still wishing to learn more but began to think I was getting too old to learn anything new. I know about the 7 & 12 but never understood it in the way you explain it. This is the opening I needed to get me rejuvanated. Thanks can’t wait to see the rest of the videos.
I have been playing around on the guitar for many years, but fail to put the neck all together. I have taken lessons, but learning how to play songs and not much else. I just want to play something that sounds good. I have been praying for the answer on how to put ti all together. I hope God put you on path to better understanding, because even though I am53, I just want to really learn how to play. I love good guitar music. Thanks Jerry! I enjoyed the first lesson and I will practice this until I get the next lesson.
You can believe this or not…but within 60 seconds after the first video that I watched, I knew and played every single individual string note from what the instructor said. And I mean, litterally as soon as Jerry finished speaking I looked from the video to the pdf and this is what I thought of immediately. My friend Fred. Fred is a good friend of mine, he a smaller guy, but has the biggest heart. Then I just said, Fred Goes…..Fred Goes Against….
Then I thought of someone who we all know and can close our eyes and see him playing his song. Big Charlie Daniels. Who doesn’t know every word to the song…
So within 15 seconds I said these words out loud: Fred Goes Against Big Charlie Daniels or F G A B C D…then I proceeded to play every note and just kept saying the words over and over and literally played and knew every note on each string from this lesson in 60 seconds… that was some kind of magic I would have to say…I have jumped from an airplane 7,000 times among many other interesting adventures….yes, 7,000 times. And I think this life event of learning those notes like that so quickly has to be close to one of the coolest experiences I have ever had. (shark dive in Bahamas was pretty cool too) Your the Man! This is going to sound corny, but I gotta say it….so dont look if you cant take it, but I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life.. Thanks!
This is awesome can’t wait for the next bridge lesson
Thanks Jerry
dear jerry i want to really thank you for helping me out i really want to learn to play a guitar all my life if you will get back with me soon thanks alots bobby
Thanks Jerry! I never knew what those double dots meant. Also thanks for the 800-pound gorilla. Can’t wait for the next lesson!
Thanks for the first lesson! I’m looking forward to learn more,
Thanks for the first lesson. After seeing this, it certainly appears to that I am too much in the beginner stage to start with your program. The “Blueprint” will be helpful as I get off the ground with my program though.
Hello, I want to dopwnload the pdf file on the web page for the first lesson where you mention the 800 lb gorilla, but there is no image to click on. Thanks, I’m looking forward to your tranforming my playing.
I like what you are offering. Its sounds great. But the videos on the offer did not work well on my internet connection (Qwest Broadband). They just go in 1-2 second spurts, 1-3 words at a time and reloads some more. So I thought I would try the Bridge first to see if it was just an anomaly. But it isn’t. Is there anyway around this or is Broadband just not fast enough for your course videos?
Hey Mike,
Normally this can be resolved by just updating your FLASH driver over on the site. It’s free and it’s simple. Just go to and search for Flash Drivers, find your computer operating system and click away. It’s a five minute fix in most cases. Hope this helps.
I have bought a guitar some 20 years ago after i met some friends that played guitar as well. I tried to learn it but got really disappointed and it did result in me putting my guitar back in the box (I didn’t touch the guitar for years, until i saw this link in someone’s youtube video). It gives me hope again to pick up the guitar and practice more often. For now i will check the first video and see if it’s working for me, this way of teaching sounds good i must say.
Hey Jerry, thanks dude. I am from Australia and have been pretending to play since about 76. nobody has ever shown me actually how to play, I just thought it would happen. I am 52 now and want to impress myself and make the effort to actually do good on the neck. I will make it my mission to sound like i have been playing for a while and put some solos and licks into the stuff I play now which I made up myself. Well here we go. Hey catch a listen to a band CAPTAIN BEYOND self titled album. fancy stuff. Good selection of settings to get the guitar to make the captain “the captain”
Hi there!
Greetings from Germany! This Video was very helpfull and im lookin forward to the next.
Even with my poor englisch notice i was able to follow your instructions.
Thanks for the PDF!
Hi there Jerry,
I just want to say that this is an awesome lesson plan you have, I took lessons for about 2 years once a week and never once did the teacher mention the need to learn the notes on the neck. in fact for the most part my lesson was his showcase to show me some of his cool licks and try to impress me, well, I gave up with paying for that and decided to try to self teach.. nah, I got hung up on the same riffs and never advanced.. that was about 25 years ago and I am still struggling. now I admit, I am a slow learner and already got the next 3 lessons before I have gotten comfy with this first one yet.. but I love it.. thanks
Awesome vid Jerry :) the PDF helped me ALOT. Can’t wait to see the next video
hey thanks for the lesson ,was very informative and true,no one really tries to teach the things that need to be taught,they kind of beat around the bush so to speak, so thanks for the awesome pdf.
G’day from Tasmania Australia Jerry; i hope you & yours are well, just a quick word thankyou my friend i’m looking forward to the next lesson i already kvew the first one but now i GET IT, and implimented it with a better understanding so CHEERS MATE & thankyou can’t wait for the next ones
Wow, this is really cool!
Thanks Jerry! I’m a beginner and I really mean a BEGINNER. :) This helped me a lot as I have been looking for articles of how to start in learning the guitar. This established a pretty good foundation. Finally! I know where to start. Thanks again! Keep it up! :)
Been playing a while now and never realized how much basics I overlooked and how helpful/important they really are. Your videos definitely helping me get past some walls I recently hit with my playing. Thanks a ton!
I never thought of the neck of the guitar as 7 & 12 before, but it makes sense. I like how you made scales seem choppy…that’s the way most of my soloing sounds. I can hammer out a good rhythm, but when it comes to soloing, I can’t seem to break the barrier. I look forward to the rest of your lessons so that hopefully I can get past that.
Hey :) Once upon a time I was terrorizing my guitar and some people around me. Then I dropped it and after some years I decided to start again, remember few things and improve myself. Your lesson is ver helpful. Thank you mate :)
Great stuff… for years I’ve looked at pictures of fretboards with all the notes layed out on them like in your .pdf, but it’s always been a bit overwhelming to think I have to memorize all that, so it’s never happened. You’ve made it clear how easy it is to store all of that info and recall it quickly when needed. I’m excited to begin these lessons. I can already tell I’ll get a lot out of them! Thank you sir!
Thanks for this video, man. It’s really useful. Guys like you is what the music scene needs, guys who would love to help begginers like us. I have been playing guitar for three years, wrecking my skull trying to learn difficults solos and some wild riffs, and your peage is freakin’ awesome.
Congratulations, and keep doing this great videos, because you are the man, dude!
Greetings from Chile :)
Hey! Jerry… I’ve been playing around for over 40 yrs. back in the late 60’s early 70’s I was pretty good then after returning home I had a tough time picking it back up. It’s been a struggle and watching your Intro Video really hit a cord. I’m glad I found your site and instead of racking my brain trying to remember what I once knew, I’m following you to get back where I used to be.
Again Thanks for Your time.
thank you, that really helped I cant wait to see the next video- its always been my passion to play guitar and I have a feeling these lessons are going to help :)
Thank you for ‘presenting’ the lesson instead of exhausting challenges “teachers” have overcome to become “teachers.” I’m enjoying my guitar more already…and like Vince, in my 60’s.
Right on about the THFT, I’m going through it at the moment, had a bad experience with a teacher, and it turned me off. I need to get my mojo back though, because for one, I was starting to progress, and really enjoy learning to play the guitar, not to mention the time and dollar.
There’s a million guys out there promising (guaranteeing) their courses, although we must remember, it’s not a gaurantee you will play good, its usually money back. I hope your’s works Jerry, I surely do.
Well my good sir i have to say…you are a frickin legend, barely anything my last tutor said made any sense but i come on here and i’m like dude….IT FINALLY MAKES SENSE!
thank you and much love
hi im from mexico and i really like this site, thank you so much
Thanks man I’m loving the first lesson! straight and to the point. looking forward to the next one!
Great hope that I will get this at least twice or three times a week there’s not much time left because I’m 65 years of age lol he he he he
Great lesson to start. I’ve been playing guitar for a long time but i beleive i will stiil learn here..looking forward to see the next lessons… thank you Jerry!
thanks jerry, for teach us in a very simple and wonderful way, i’d been practice, i can`t wait to see the next lesson
Very interesting concept. I like the way you break everything down into very simplistic steps that are critical in advancing to the next level.
I have owned a guitar most all my life. I’m 52 and really haven’t learned much about playing and that’s a shame. It is time! I learned from your intro video what I’ve been looking for most of my life. Thank you. I have a place to go now that makes sense.
i have been playing by ear for about 8 moths and in teory i didnt know a thing and thanks to this video i have been able to know the notes thanks a lot
well ive been playing guitar for some years, I definetely want to go through the whole lessons, its good to revise some of these things
Hey Man thanks! can’t wait for the next lesson. finally i found someone who can teach me all this things. Thanks Jerry!
hey thank this is well said, im 50 and been trying to play for 1yr and 4 mths. Ive learn some scales, theory and lots of chords. And still stuck in the top of the neck just cant seem to put it together. Sure hope this work for me. Your definantly right about the notes thought i found out the hardway. It scales and chords notes on neck most important thank for the mini course started perfect thanks again
well i must admit i didnt think this would help but it actually did thanks a bunch hopefully with the next lessons ill be able to jam some what significantly and my mom wont moan when she hears my guitar amp turn on
Great things happen to those who learn the first steps.
Thanks Jerry. I have been to most of the web for the stuff you are saying but it never really clicked til now. The way you put the knowledge across is like a breath of fresh air and easy to understand. Plus you give us a PDF that we can constantly refer to while we take the necessary steps to greater things.
Thanks once again Jerry.
wow wow wow how easy was that after the 6 string I got it and finish the other strings on my own I feel so great now I practice saying the note Im 50 years old and want to play guitar thanks to you IM well on my way thanks soooo much it was easy but before it looked so hard.
I am 59 and love playing guitar, but I have never been very good at it.
I have a good feeling that you are going to change that.
I’ve finished “Knowing where to go” I somehow knew that this was important but you
have demonstrated just how important. Next lesson please.
Thanks Tony…
Make it sink in. The next lesson digs deeper.
Hi Jerry, Sorry to be a downer, but I am a little disappointed. 15 minutes of preamble in a 21 minute video and this is after spending an hour or so reading the 14 pages of your offer, where I signed up. Can you cut to the chase a little quicker.
I was also expecting some tips for learning where the notes are on the fretboard, not just a list of them. Surely anyone who has had, or read, more than a lesson would know that notes run sequentially on a string.
I am waiting for the next lesson and hoping that it gets to the good stuff fast and doesn’t test my “stickability” so much.
Thanks for your comment on the blog.
Understand that not all players have been as fortunate as you have been (in that you “get it’).
You’d be amazed man at the number of players (even good ones) who have never really wrapped their heads around this important part of learning to take your playing to new levels.
I’m glad you see it.
Regarding the preamble…
I agree… It is “winded” but let me explain something to you.
Several of my videos have short stories and they are there for a purpose.
I want you and other players who may not be as advanced as you or I to understand that they are not alone…
In other words. I want to help a player who may be at edge of throwing their hands in the air with frustration. I want him or her to realize that they aren’t the only one that’s had to go through this or that problem.
I tell the stories so you and I can relate.
One thing you’ll find is that I care about my students and their success.
As you’ll see (if you ever join my paid membership area), I reach out to my people and I try making myself available to help.
I am real. You are real. I want to treat you that way. You know what I mean?
As for your stickyness… I hope you’ll find something worthwhile. If you don’t, you’d be an exception but certainly not an enemy. :-) As I’ve said in my online presentation, I feel like most guitar players have a sense of friendship and I like it that way.
You’re right… Most player should know notes follow a linear pattern. But again, you’d be surprised how many don’t know how to USE THIS (keyword) to their advantage.
And, on top of that. Most players don’t know that the transfer of this concept from string to string (what I refer to as a “carry-over) makes the neck much simpler to USE (again, keyword).
Hang in there my friend and just enjoy knowing what you are getting right now “The Bridge” is free. It is an introduction. It costs you nothing but a little of your time and it not only lays the foundation for some new thinking, it opens the door to a new friendship – with me.
Every one of my students would tell you the same thing. They feel like they’ve known me for years. I become their friend and guitar pickin bud.
So, sit back and enjoy the ride.
I’m glad to have you around.
this was great., you given me new hope.., i know some different scale patterns but don’t know how to use them to create cool sounds like other guitarist.., lesson #1 is really precise and i can’t wait to see and learn those next lesson…. for me to know where to go..
Sit tight… You’re going to know exactly what to do with them and you’ll be amazed how easy you can do it.
Thanks for you comment. There are 10 problems that hold a player back from reaching “The Zone” or something I call “Root Monkey”. By the time you’ve gone through “The Bridge” and “Full Blown” (see post on the blog, you’ll be amazed at what you can do! Thanks again.
Jerry just got through watching lesson #1, looks good so far I’m willing to give it a good shot. I’m old timer been playing about 4 years love blues & country, the oldrock and roll. age wise 72 so I’ willing to give itt my all, Thanks Jerry.
iv heard about what you have explained in the video before but never realy under stood it till now, you seem very cofident with your promises you make, im going to stick to this lesson and see how it goes and hope to see alot more of your video, thank you for sheding some light jerry.
thanks harry
Ive been playing for about 2 years learning a little here and there my dad play’s everything and not to sound mean but he isn’t the greatest teacher, he’d play something then look at me and id just sit there but now that ive been practicing the 2 easy steps in this video its a hole lot easier to understand what hes doing.easy & simple ty for the help ill be looking forward to the next lesson’s and tell Cassie i said keep rocking ;)
finally! i learned this process through paul gilbert and myself and its great to see someone teaching it. i cant wait for the other lessons to expand my playing already, thanks so much jerry!
Thanks for the lessons. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope you Have a Happy New Year; one that is enjoyable and successful.
I really enjoy your style of teaching. I’ve been playing for years, but never too old to learn. I really believe this will enhance my playing. I’m look forward to watching more lessons.
Just finished watching the first video. I’m one of those that has been playing for years and know theory. I know from my own experience SOME of the places your first lesson will lead. This is important stuff and I can’t wait to see where you take me from here. keep rockin’
I like what you’re doing so far Jerry! It’s good stuff and oh so true. I feel a real deja Vu hearing your experience. I struggled mightily for 6 years untill I buckled down learning the notes. Like magic that’s when I began to leap forward. The way I did it was to hang evrything on what I started calling the “:Master Octave Pattern” which slides up and down like a conveyor belt. You’re a good teacher Jerry, with good communication skills, can’t wait to hear more of your shortcut tips.
Great video … the basics are always helpful. It was a review of something that I knew but hadn’t memorized. I’m a singer/songwriter who only plays rhythm and I need to use my tool of the trade (guitar) to it’s fullest. Looking forward to the next video.
jerry, i am now 61…started playing when i was a teenager in the 60’s…had a garage band and a great time fro a few years..always jokingly told my kids when they were growing up that i was a neighborhood rock star before i was a dad. well, needless to say, wound up getting married rasiing a family and put the guitar down for 40 years…until about a year ago after i retired. i just wanna say, i love the way you teach is actually the way it should be taught and i have only seen the “simple 7 & 12” so far…can’t wait to see what you have planned…i recently started teaching my wife to play and i am going to turn her on to your site. your easy goin’ style and simple terminology and common sense are just the perfect touch for a student. hell jerry, i knew those notes on the E string…memorized ’em over 45 years ago…but i never thought of them the way you explained it. and guess what…a light went on in this old gittar player’s head jerry while i was watching the simple 7 and 12. just like you said. so i am living proof you can teach an old dog new tricks. thanks…lookin’ forward to your next video…
Thanks for the time and lesson1 got to say love it,got a busy life with family and work but i,m determined to fit you in mate..gonna practice lesson1 till ma fingers ache.n-e way mate take care and lookin forward to gettin my teeth into lesson2..
Cant beleive it all the chords make sense now i could only play rythem before now i cant put my guitar down.I think alot of guys dont want others to play as well as them which is sad . thanks for free lessons
I took lessons for over a year and was board silly. I actually put down my gutair for a couple of years and have recently commited myself to really learning to play. In just the first lesson I understand the notes on my gutair more fully today than ever before. I look forward to seeing whats next! Thank You!
I have searched and signed up for a lot of online guitar lessons and this is the best yet! lesson one, worth it already. I know this will help me. Thank you sir!
good video content nice and clear.
some of stuff you said i already knew.
but now i know what i am talking about
thanks mate looking forward to next installment
Jerry I love your video lessons because you break them down so much that you make what some people think is impossible-possible.I’ve had my friends and a few other people tell me that me trying to learn to play left handed guitar being a right handed person is almost impossible but because you break your lessons down the way you do it makes it possible to play whatever and makes it alot easier to pick up.
UPDATE: Video works great. I am left handed watching you play, it took me a minute to figure out what you were talking about, but the light went on today.
Having played music in my younger day, it took a second to look at the guitar music in front of me and then correlate to the fret board, but I am slowing getting where the notes are on the guitar as well as the tab.
Thank you.
Nice one Jerry, brill vids very helpful, hate looking at books i’ve had in the past they drive me mad!
Cant wait carry on and get playing. Finally i’m getting confidence n not gettin stressed.
Many thanx
Lea :-)
Hey Jerry,
I too can play the guitar thanks to I am looking forward to upcoming lessons.
Hey Jerry, thanks for the free lessons and to the question about a full course re-released yes, anything to help. Jerry I was wondering why don’t you charge for the lessons you post. I see you’ve done very well for yourself, just a question. well thank you for opening my mind to the vast world of the gutair. I am looking forward to the next lesson. Oh and I and posting eveywhere I can about the lessons that I receive from you and believe me there good ones.
Thanks again,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and giving your time. This is beautiful.
well this has helped a lot on the first lesson i just got my first guitar.
noah e.
I am going to turn 60 this year and have been playing around at trying to play since I was 15. I recently got a fender acoustic and have decided to try it again. I can chord but my right hand gives me fits on strumming and have never been able to pick a lick. If this lesson is any indication I think I am going to like these lessons. They can call you any kind of dude they want but you talk a langage I can understand.
Notes From Jerry at
Regarding T. Perry…
Thanks. I’m glad you enjoy the lessons and the stories. As I “Pickle” more, I tend to think back to the stories more often.
I’m about to unleash a good one about the rock band Heart. It’s a good one and will be accompanied by a cool little lesson.
Regarding Trish…
You got it! Just by seeing the actual notes out on the neck, you’ll see the magic. Pick a note (say an A), now look all over the neck. Practice just grabbing that single note and plucking it. This will make you more automatic. Do it with all notes. Remember, there are only 12! ;–)
Regarding Paul…
No offense taken. And CC, thanks for the step in on this. Here’s the thing Paul, you are not any different than any other guitarist at any level. The desire to move your skills ahead quickly is a sign that you truly do have the talent to do it (in my opinion).
Some folks would say I’m pretty good. Some might not. Either way, after thirty years of playing, I still find myself amazed by other players and want to push myself further.
Sounds to me like your a guitarist. :) And you’re in the right place. We’ll implement all of the information I’m draining in yoru brain and fingers!
Regarding CC…
Thank you CC! You know, after you do anything for thirty years, you streamline your efforts. That’s all I’m doing here and that’s why things come out the way they do – short and seemingly simple but producing advanced sounding results. Uhhh.. That’s a good thing.
Release the full house? I don’t know.
I’ve been thinking about opening up another course online but I don’t know if I can get everybody in. There are other sites that use my course and I’m bombarded trying to stay in touch and hands on. You guys are top priority. I just need to think it through because some of my advanced stuff is really off the wall and I’d want to pour myself in to it.
We’ll see.
Who else wants to see a full course re-released?
Post on any of the comments sections.
CC here again. I like coming back through the posts and see what everybody else is getting out of this stuff.
I’ve been at this for quite awhile and I’m just somewhat amazed I guess at how you present your information and lessons.
It’s basic but it’s not. It’s advanced but it’s not!!! It’s just dead on and different.
As for Paul’s comment, man, lighten up. I’ve now gotten four lessons and I can tell you, you’re going to be a raving fan like the rest of us by the time you get through the 4th lesson.
I can’t wait until the next one comes.
Jerry, why don’t you just release the full house on us?
Actually, I don’t know if I could handle it but I tell you what, I’d buy a full blown course from you in a heartbeat!
Chime in everybody… Let’s make him do it!
Just kidding. But I’m in if you do open up your paid course again anytime soon.
Till then, where’s my next lesson?
I don’t mean to sound like a jerk but will we get into how to use this? I can see how it would be useful but I want to know how to get more out of my leads.
No offense.
This is good. Actually taking the time to look at the notes, you can see repeats all over the place.
I can see how this will help. I’ve been playing for 2 1/2 years now and I’ve never heard anybody really stress this.
Thanks alot for the free lesson.
Thanks! This was great. I enjoyed your little stories before actually going into the lesson part.
Helps makes you more real and down to earth.
Looking forward to the next lesson.
Hey Jerry,
Man, I’ve owned guitars for 20 years, taken lessons over and over. I would either get bored with practicing stuff I thought I would never use, or decide that maybe I found something I just can’t do. I just didn’t “get it”.
But you’ve given me new hope. I learned more in the first lesson than all my other lessons combined and I understood it.
I’m really looking forward to more…
Thank you!
Edit: Jerry at
Thanks DrBobl! As you go along in the lessons, you’ll find yourself referring back to this every time you pick up a guitar! It truly holds the key to better playing and more natural playing.
Thanks again!
Hi Jerry,
A really good introduction and easy to understand, im a complete beginner and know nothing about playing the guitar or even musical notes but this is a brilliant start, like anything else you need to know the basics.
Many Thanks
This is good. Are you going to get into higher lvel skills? Don’t get me wrong man, this is stuff that every person that really wants to play (well) should know. And I like the way you presented it. Neat and easy enough for a young kid to understand.
I’m just hoping you’re going to get into some advance stuff too. *-]
If I can just get my fingers to stop hurting! Got any ideas?
I am liking what I am seeing and hearing. Sounds easy enough but there is always room for more practice. I have noticed a couple of YouTube sites, is there a main one for you?
Thanks for sharing your knowledge…
I’ll agree with this being important. For sure!
I had an older instructor at one time in my area that insisted you learn this before he would let you go any further with other lessons.
That’s how important he thought it was.
It definitely helps in the long run and if you’re new, it will move you along faster in other things you are learning. At least that’s been my experience.
By the way…
Your presentation is “top notch” and the PDF tools are beautiful. I’ve already started a binder. The story you told at the beginning reminded me of being a kid and doing the same thing – hanging out at the guitar store. Good stuff.
Notes From Jerry at
Thanks for the comments gang!
I’ll try to keep up with responses as I can. I’ve done this before and it get’s harder and harder as more people start joining in on the conversation.
So I’ll be brief…
Regarding Thomas: Thanks, and you can do anything I’m doing on the guitar. Just practice what I send you. This first video happens to be the most boring but it helps you understand everything that’s coming in the next two videos – and I guarantee you, you won’t be getting bored.
Regarding Brian: Laughing with you! But I swear, it’s true. If I could get everybody I teach to just follow through on this one thing, they’d be amazed after about four weeks.
Regarding “12 String Thing”: Dig the name. I take it you’re into twelve string guitars. I love the sound -never owned one. Always thought about a double neck, just never got around to buying one. Nice to have some seasoned players with us here. Thanks.
Regarding CC: The amp is a Fender Princeton Chorus. My wife bought it for me nearly twenty years ago. I love the thing. The overdrive is perfect and it has a built in limiter and chorus that just makes a Strat sound like it’s bleeding the blues.
As for the acoustic, it’s a custom George Lowden. It was a gift and the story behind the gift is touching. Someday I’ll share it.
If you want to see more of these amazing guitars here’s the website:
Regarding Brent: You’re definitely on the right track (looking up past the 12 fret). We’ll be really hitting on that in VIDS 3 and 4, so keep an eye out on your emails!
I wouldn’t fuss too much about your instructor just yet. Maybe he has a plan. Here’s the deal… I think it’s important to get you playing everywhere on the guitar and I like to get you there as soon as possible because the more you here coming out of your guitar (because of what your fingers and brain are doing), the more you’ll love playing and you’ll practice harder, be able to learn more songs you love and just have a better time with it. If you happen to be advanced already and play well (all over the neck), you’ll take what I share in my lessons and be blown away because it will open up floods of ideas.
Regarding Tammy: Funny… I’m told I have a laid back way of teaching. I’ve heard it all, from “surfer dude” to “jocker that’s a rocker”. I couldn’t surf it if my life depended on it but I’d sure like to know how — wonder if you can do it with a guitar?
Everybody keep practicing! Talk soon.
My husband is new to guitar. Bee playing about a year. He’s 33. Saw your video and he got excited and thought it was neat. Do you actually have a course that I could buy for him as an anniversary gift? He liked your laid back way of sharing information.
If so, please post details.
Got it! Pretty easy to understand. I like the idea of trying to see what I’m doing past the 12 the fret instead of thinking about what my fingers are doing up above. With a little over a day of practice, I’m already looking at things 12 frets up and I’m doing easier and easier.
Why in heck didn’t my guitar teacher stress this instead of just coming out of the gates with chords? Surely couldn’t be the fact that $60 a month my parents have paid him for six months makes him wanna move a little slower.
I like your stuff so far. Nice Strat.
Nice sound man. What kind of amp are you using? And that acoustic looks like it’s a small scale. What is it?
I’m past this information but I’ll second what 12 String said above. It helps you like wild if you’ll just take a few minutes to learn it.
This is exactly the sort of stuff that needs to be taught more often.
I think a lot of time people are learning licks or leads off youtube and they couldn’t tell how in the world to play those things somewhere else or in another key.
You hit the nail on the head when you said it will help you know where to go.
I’ve been picking for almost twenty years now and I couldn’t agree with you more. I’d have to agree it’s boring to learn it BUT it doens’t take more than ten or fifteen minutes for it to sink in.
Look forward to hearing more from you.
Mr. 12 String Thing
“If you can do it with a six string-why not try it with a twelve”
Sweet video. The 800 pound Gorilla — LOL! Good stuff and easy to understand. PDF looks great too (I printed it and saved it in my folder like you suggested in the video).
When’ s the next video?