Guitar Food For Guitar Thought…

Learn To Play Guitar Licks And Solos

You know, sometimes it can be frustrating as a player. You want your fingers to do one thing and they seem to want to do another.

Well, I’m here to tell you, you’re not the only one that goes through that. I’ve been playing over 30 years and I still go through new learning curves.

There are times that my freakin hand feels so cramped up… I can hardly hold my guitar any longer. I’m serious! It actually hurts but I push myself past that mental trip and hold on a little longer. Then I relax a minute and dig back in!

The good news is that if you’ll just hang in there, more times than not, you’ll come out doing something really neat in just a day or two.

So stick with it Tribe! I don’t care if you’re working on a simple three note lick or a cycling lick of twenty 16th notes… STICK WITH IT!! You’ll have something to show for it!!!

I recently got a comment from a member in the Full Blown course area and I wanted to share that with you as well as the response I sent back to him. PLEASE READ IT BELOW…

I think you’ll agree… It’s “dead on” not only for guitar but for about anything you have an interest in doing.

Check it out below and put it to the test for yourself.

Take it easy!


PS… If by chance you’ve stumbled upon this page without seeing the whole LGFAE system, you’re missing the big picture. Grab my free mini course called “The Bridge”. I’ll send it to you immediately. To get it, just CLICK HERE NOW!



I’ve never wanted to practice so much, you’ve made it fun again and that’s just from The Bridge Course! Can’t wait to sink my teeth into each lesson every week. Thanks Jerry.




Thanks for your compliment! I think you “nailed it” when you said things are fun again.

As a player myself, I realize that other pickers have to go through the journey to be able to play. In other words, 9 out 10 people don’t just go pick up the guitar, sling it over their shoulder and then start ripping through great solos! That’s just not going to happen.

You have to go through the learning curve and take a little journey to get there.

But does this mean a new player or even an experienced player should have to be bored out of their heads during this process?

I say absolutely not!

I seriously believe that [if] a person can immediately get a systematic set of tools, tips, and a few tricks, they will start hearing music come from their fingers and guitar. Once this happens, a person starts realizing, “hey, I can do this” or “man that sounds like this song or that song”. And once that happens, they are encouraged to go further and further. It’s a natural evolving process.

On the other hand, you can take the same person, fill their heads with mundane scales with no real meaning, complicated chord names and theory combined with no sense of usability and literally destroy a person who may have potential for greatness as a guitarist. That’s a tragedy in my book!

Bottom line…

Get a person playing quick! I’m not speaking in terms of how fast you can play or burn through a solo. I’m talking about getting it to “click” upstairs.

This is the great self motivator! There’s just something magical about making music on any instrument. Hearing something come out and knowing you’re behind it, in my opinion, it’s icing on life’s cake.

Thanks again for your comment Corey!


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Rion says:

    Awesome to see you sharing your talent with those who need a little to a lot of help, or those like me who’ve been playing for years but have memory issues and need a guiding refresher now and then!! You’re a true guitar hero!

  2. John says:

    Hi Jerry, I really enjoy your e-mails and appreciate the effort you put into your videos, along with the pdf docs. I’ve been learning guitar for the past 5+ years via private tuition and decided a few months ago to drop this and go on my own. I’m happy to have come across your site. Although I don’t mind dealing with the bits & bytes of theory, I do enjoy the fresh way you explain and lay out the basics. I’m waiting for the more advanced stuff, but until then – I’ll enjoy the ride with you and the tribe. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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